Positively Morrinsville is the local go-to station for not only Morrinsville and its districts and can be heard by anyone on the planet with an internet connection. We feature community news and events and the very best music mix with no commercial advertising or news bulletins. Whether you need something great to listen to on your way to work, or you refuse to miss out on local news, events and great music, Positively Morrinsville provides listeners with hours of pure entertainment.
Are you a local community organisation, not-for-profit, charity, sports or other club, school, Church etc in Morrinsville and its Districts area? Have we got news for you! Promoting your organisation or event on this station is ABSOLUTELY FREE !!
Our preference is for us to record you voicing your own content but if you're not confident in doing that yourself, then send us the general text of your advert and we'll voice it for you.
Sorry but we don't allow commercial advertising on this station. If you're unsure as to whether you'd been deemed to be a commercial enterprise, please contact us.
Our contact form and details are below. Note that you will need to tell us:
Your name
Your organisation's name
Information about your organisation
Information about your event including dates and times (if applicable)
Contact 022 0499 599 and / or morrinsvilleradio@gmail.com for listeners to get in contact